September 30, 2014
September 26, 2014
September 25, 2014
September 23, 2014
September 18, 2014
September 16, 2014
September 15, 2014
September 11, 2014
September 10, 2014
September 9, 2014
September 8, 2014
September 4, 2014
Dinosaurs in History
This ancient Mesopotamian seal displays two long necked animals that strikingly resemble a sauropod dinosaur. If the first dinosaur bone was found in 1676, how would the artist make such an accurate depiction?
This terracotta statue is from the pre-Greek civilization of Calabria that is at least 3,000 years old. Doesn't it look remarkably similar to a Stegosaurus?
Before the word Dinosaur was created in 1841, these animals were called Dragons. The image above is a scan from a 1946 dictionary defining the word Dragon. Notice the text that reads "Now Rare." Wouldn't they have to exist to be considered rare?