September 20, 2013

HOURS by Jessy Ribrody (Book Review)

Jessy RibrodyAuthor, musician, and genius Jessy Ribrody of the band Falling Up has written his first audiobook entitled "Hours".  This book comes with a twelve song album that aligns perfectly with the story.

I would love to describe the plot, but the story is far to good to spoil anything. All I can say is that I highly recommend this for anyone interested in losing themselves into an intriguing world of intellectual awe. Preview the book and album below. If you interested, you can buy the album HERE.

I would rate both the book and album 5 out of 5.

Beach Creatures Kinetic Artwork

September 12, 2013

Julian Smith - Truth

The Catatumbo Lightning

The Catatumbo Lightning is an atmospheric phenomenon in Venezuela. At the mouth of the Catatumbo River, there has been a consistent Lightning Storm since 1595. There has been an estimated 1,176,000 electrical discharges per year. The lightning is a cloud-to-cloud arc that forms for 140 to 160 nights a year, 10 hours a night, and as many as 280 times an hour for centuries.